It’s true. Your fave Aussie MILF has size 12 feet!

I am tall, but people may not realise how big my feet really are. I am an Australian size 12 in ladies shoes (so a 43 in Euro sizing). And it is true what they say; as you get older and especially after having children, your feet get bigger!

rem sequence tattooed aussie milf pawg pornstar australia dressed in red lingerie stripper heels and blonde dreadlocks

More fun facts about my feet… they are flat!

Here is another fun fact about my feet… I have very flat feet and actually have used orthotics throughout my life to help support my feet. I am used to having very sore feet and legs just because of the amount of strain put on areas that it shouldn’t be. The result of having no foot arch!

I now see a physiotherapist who is helping me manage this better by building up the muscles in my feet. (Yes, you can build strength in that part of your foot!). And adjusting my foot posture so that it doesn’t affect me as much. I have also learnt that making sure the joints in my feet crack is a good thing.

Lots and lots of broken bones

Speaking of cracking bones, I have broken the bones in my feet and toes multiple times.

I trained and rode horses for many years, and there is a reason people don’t wear thongs/flip flops around them. When they step on you, they can do some serious damage! Some of them really like to step on people and it doesn’t matter. If they are a full grown horse or just a pony, they can break bones. I have broken the bones in my right foot like this. As you generally walk horses on that side. And that is when they can suddenly decide to move over and crush your foot. Even wearing durable boots, human feet are no match for horse’s hooves!

I have broken my toes more times than I can remember, specifically my little toes and the big toe on my left foot. The big toe on my left foot was broken during taekwondo training and my left ankle bone also sustained some significant damage while destroying my exes room in his sharehouse.

Moving right along…

I love to walk barefoot…

If I have a choice between wearing shoes and going barefoot, you can guarantee that I will not have anything on my feet.

I grew up in a house where we didn’t wear shoes in the house, so it kinda makes sense that I prefer the ground being directly on my feet. I don’t care if it is cold and rainy, hot and dry or whatever is in-between, I will go outside with no shoes on. Definitely, if I am at home, you will find me shoeless!

But I also love shoes!

I love all types of shoes; from flats, to sneakers, glam heels and boots.

But my favourite type of shoe is a long boot – knee high or longer! I like zipping up my long boots but I also like it when they have laces that need to be carefully and slowly laced up.

I would really love a pair of thigh high leather boots, as that is one type that I do not own yet. If you would love to help a large, pretty footed Aussie MILF add a pair to her collection, check out my Throne Wishlist. I have lots of different pairs of shoes on my wishlist, including some super fancy thigh high boots.

What is Throne? Read my blog post on it here.

Do you love feet? Then check out my list of my top 10 Feet Clips!

Rem Sequence is an Australian adult content creator, blogger, and internationally published alt model. She has a background in psychology, philosophy and political science and worked in health and sex education, youth work and trauma counselling for almost two decades. Now, she works full time in the adult industry, as well as indulging her passion for arts, writing and music in numerous side projects.