Rem Sequence News #8

This week has been intense on many fronts… from what is happening worldwide, to changes in clip sites, to managing my personal stuff, it has been hard to keep up with everything!

As I mentioned in my last newsletter, June is Jiggle Month on Clips4Sale,  and it has already been a cracker of a month on that platform since almost all my clips have some form of jiggle in them. If you like this kind of thing, then this would be a great time to check out that site as myself and other creators will be loading up a tonne of super hot jiggle content.

After being approached by a lovely customer, I have ventured into doing inflatable content, which has been a steep learning curve but something that I am really enjoying. What the heck do I mean by that? Well, check out my new clips below and you will get a sense of what all the fuss is about.

Let’s get on with it, shall we?

New Clips By Rem Sequence

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Rem Sequence News #7

Welcome to the next edition of the Rem Sequence News… it is the first day of Winter here in Australia and we have been blessed with some super cold weather. I am not a fan of the heat, so Winter is a very welcome relief from Australia’s very harsh weather.

May was a huge month for me on ManyVids . I finished up in the top 50 of Many Vids Social Stars sitting nicely at Number 44! If you haven’t done so already, come and check out what I have available in my store there. I have a large number of requests for panties, so I will definitely be adding more to my store there.

I have some exciting things coming up at the end of the month, and as a result my blogging has fallen off. I have no excuses for you… except that need a clone, pronto. Or an assistant. I would settle for an assistant at this stage!

June is Jiggle Month on Clips4Sale… they should just call it Rem Sequence Month and be done with it! Anyway, if you like things that jiggle this would be a great time to check out that site as myself and other creators will be loading up a tonne of super hot jiggle content.

Anyway, I have been working hard on clips so let’s see what I have to offer you this month, hey?



Click on the image to go and check out my new clips released this week!

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How I am surviving COVID-19

We are living in unprecedented times. A global pandemic which has hit every single part of the world has turned our lives upside down. For me personally, I have been physically unwell since late 2019 and confined to indoors for the majority of time even before COVID-19 hit and the threat came close to home. My treatment includes multiple immunosuppressive drugs, so being out and about on the best of days is quite dangerous, let alone when a rogue virus is cutting down people left, right and centre. That being said, I am doing ok and have my own strategies to survive this very strange time.

keeping busy with work

Luckily, I work in an industry that is based purely online. So my work has changed very minimally. With more people at home, the demand on entertainment services and things to distract is higher than ever. To keep moving through this period, I am able to be very busy which means the time at home passes quickly. As people are also yearning for contact with other people due to social distancing removing direct interactions, I have begun live camming on Streamate. It is also a great way for me to have realtime contact with friends and new people. Consider checking out my profile and coming to say hi while I am online.

spending time in bed

As I am recovering from illness, I am still spending a whole lot of time in bed sleeping. I have set up a very comfortable bed space at the moment, including room for my two big bull terriers who provide very good company. I used to be alot more active in bed, but now I am using it to rest (wink wink, nudge nudge). If you want to check out a blast from the past (and my bedroom), cast your eyes over “MILF Bedplay.” This clip shows you just how active (read flirtatious) I can be in my bed. Available on all my platforms including ManyVids.

gardening and working on my house

Truth be told, I am not physically quite well enough to get around to all the household maintenance jobs on my list, but I have been taking the time to give my garden some much overdue TLC. Even though this may be just pruning or feeding my roses, I make sure I get out most days to do the age old pottering. The weather at the moment has become quite cool (it is Autumn right now in Australia), so time spent outside looks nothing like it did in Summer. Case in point: “Wet and Wild.” In Summer and even spring, there is no issue with going outside and spraying oneself liberally with water from a garden hose. But at the moment, that is a slightly ridiculous (and risky) activity. However, if you would like to relive those halcyon days of big bootys getting wet outside, check the clip out on ManyVids.

looking after myself

I am doing the best I can to look after myself, and at the moment I am putting as much energy as I can into doing that. Not just eating and drinking properly, but painting my nails, washing and brushing my hair, giving myself facials and moisturising my body. I enjoy moisturising myself, and one of the side effects of my medication is very dry skin so I need to do so regularly. It is probably timely that I make another moisturising/body worship clip but here is one from the vault; if you like to see moisturiser oozing all over big natural boobs, then “All The Cream” is for you. It is snuggled in quite comfortably with all my big boob and solo masturbation content on ManyVids. Come and see for yourself.


During my work breaks, I am watching a fair bit of Netflix. I have my favourite genres (horror, suspense, thrillers, scifi) but after completely draining all of them for the goodness (and continuing to scrape the barrel well afterwards) I have started watching more comedies including Community (which I absolutely loved when it first came out). I have never Netflixed and Chilled because I am from the DVD and Chill era. However, if you want to see what Netflix and Chill looks like with me, I suggest you check out my clip, aptly titled “Netflix & Chill.” This is what a laid back night of Netflix, weed and naughty times looks like when you have Rem Sequence next to you. Once again, it is on all my platforms, including ManyVids.

Stay safe and well during this period while we bring everything under control. I am sorry to say things will not be quite the same once the threat is reduced, but that is the nature of life. Change. Adapt. Flourish. Or something like that ;).

How have you been surviving through this extraordinary time? Is there anything I can provide that will help make things better? I always love to hear from my fans so please don’t hesitate to email me:

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The World According To Rem Sequence #15

It has been a while, but we are back with another episode in my vlog series. In this week’s episode, I unbox a new package of toys from the amazing Australian adult toy retailer, Wild Secrets (not a paid advertisement). What did I get and why did I get it? And why the heck am I so excited about it? Find out all by checking out my free vlog on ManyVids or PornHub. Click on the images below to go straight to the good stuff….

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The Five Must Have Boundaries for Content Creators – Part 2

In the first blog post I wrote on boundaries, I talked about WHY it is so important to have them in these five areas. But what use is a why if you don’t have a HOW? In this follow up blog post, I will talk about how I maintain boundaries in order to stay happy and healthy.

With your TIME

The first thing you need to do when maintaining boundaries is to set them. Time is probably one of the easiest areas to do this in, as it is an objective measurement. For example:

  • When will you work?
  • When won’t you work?
  • When are you available for your customers (how much time)?
  • When are you not available?
  • How much interaction are you willing to give to potential customers (how much time)?

Once you have decided on these, don’t be shy about it; make it known. You can do this through your 1:1 interactions with people, embed it into your social media postings or posting on your sites. I am not available after 10pm every night or before 8am in the morning my time and I am pretty vocal about this. At this stage, this works for me. If it changes, I will make it known again. Consider it the opening hours of your business. The thing is, if people know when you are open for business and what to expect from you, then there is no pushback. Why? Because your clients/customers then accept that that is how you operate. You don’t have to be snarky about it, just matter of fact “I don’t respond after 10pm, I will get back to this in the morning.” Treat it like any other business would.

With who YOU are

We all have lives that are separate from our content creator personas, and although there may be some crossover, it is important to keep some distance between the two (for the sake of your mental health). This is difficult though, as we develop relationships with our fans, customers and clients, it is normal that we may start to share more about our lives than we may have at the beginning. Also, the way this industry is now, people expect a certain amount of personal sharing and connection with their favourite content creators. I maintain this boundary by treating Rem Sequence as a job, both in practice but also in my headspace. My fans and clients do not know my real name; I ask that my friends and people who know me in real life call me by my real name. I am not a big sharer anyway, so I find it easy not to share personal details in public. I think this is useful to think about in multiple ways; the content of your photos (keeping personal things out of them), when you talk about places you visit, things you enjoy. Although these can build relationships with your fanbase, they can also erode the boundary between YOU and your work. How much are you willing to share? What things are you going to keep just for you? When I am pressed about certain details, I have a few strategies that I use. Sometimes, I will make something up; other times I will just distract the person. Remember, you are in charge of what and how much you share of YOU. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

With your CASH

As with time, how we maintain boundaries when it comes to our money is a bit easier as it is something objective. Your payment methods, your rates and your pricing are all things you can decide upon and rattle off very easily when asked. How to maintain that boundary? My best piece of advice is to stick to your guns, even if someone gets pushy. Lots of content creators get worried about losing business or what others will think about them if they budge around their cash. If someone really wants to have a piece of you, they will work with you and not waste your time by arguing with you over a payment method or a matter of dollars. Let these people walk. Don’t even bother arguing, just politely excuse yourself from the conversation. You are costing yourself MORE money by justifying why you run your business in a certain way to people that are not invested in what you are doing.

With your PERSONA

When it comes to boundaries around my persona, I have found that the number one reason that I may budge on them is because of a lack of confidence in myself. If I feel like maybe I should explore area xyz because someone has asked me repeatedly about it YET it is something I am not comfortable with, then the reason probably is because of a loss of faith in what I am creating. The way I manage this is by surrounding myself with supportive and encouraging people who are knowledgeable in the business and can pull me up by the bootstraps when I need it. Instead of questioning and exploring my boundaries with customers, clients and random peers, I will go back to this group of supporters and check in with them. Nine times out of ten they tell me that my initial reasoning was sound and not to worry about what anybody else says. I think when it comes to our personas, having confidence in ourselves and commitment to the path we are taking is absolutely key. And the way to maintain this is through the people we surround ourselves with.

With your ENERGY

In my first post on boundaries, I talked a bit about how to maintain these around your energy. It is definitely easy to get sucked into working 24/7 as a content creator and it is just not healthy. In my opinion, the best thing you can do in this regard is to treat it as if it were a vanilla job where you are accountable to someone for the level of energy you put in. Develop a work schedule and stick to it. Incorporate break times/days into this schedule and make sure you future proof yourself for if you are in the unfortunate position to have to take time off. The number one thing is to work out how much you can do in the time you have, and know that some other creators may work more than you and some less, but that doesn’t make you any better or worse than anyone else. And if people make you feel bad about that… well, that says a lot more about them than it does you. Working with people can be incredibly draining, and you must develop boundaries around this and maintain them in order to remain consistent and survive in this industry. Once again, having a strong support network who can encourage and support you in your decisions around this is vital.

I hope this piece helped to address questions you may have had about how to maintain boundaries. However, in writing this, I realised one of the key things to success is developing supportive and encouraging relationships with other content creators and people in our industry. In my next piece, I will talk about finding your tribe and some guidelines I have found useful when building and maintaining my support network.

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Why I Love My Big Butt

I like big butts and I cannot lie.

Sir Mix-A-Lot

Yeah, I know, it is an overused lyric trundled out when referring to the big booty babes of our world. But you know, it kinda says it all. As I have said in a previous post, I have despised my big delicious bottom for many many years. Mainly because of other people’s view of it, but also because it sometimes makes my life a little difficult. But I have grown to love my big ass and all of the amazing things it brings to my life. Here is a brief run down of why I love my big butt sooo much!

so much jiggle

Big asses move. Lots. I used to be super embarassed about how much my butt jiggled but now I don’t care. In my opinion, the more movement, the better! And it is something people say to me a lot; they love a booty that jiggles. Take my “PAWG Ass Jiggle” clip, for example. This was a custom clip designed specifically for me by a client who loves to see that booty jiggle. And if you like it too, then this clip will not disappoint. Get it on ManyVids today for $2.99.

SOft, squishy, SQUEEZABle

There is nothing nicer than grabbing a big fat juicy ass and squeezing it…. or getting your own big booty squeezed! With big butts, you can get a good handful and hang onto it. I should do a clip which is just all butt grabbing and squeezing… but I do have one which is super hot and features me grabbing my own ass. “Strip Spank Suck” was another fan request and is so sexy, it makes me get very warm. If you need to raise the temperature, go check it out on ManyVids today for only $2.99.

built for thongs

I never used to wear thongs. I felt like the junk that I was packing in my trunk needed to be covered up at all time…. WRONG! In “Spank Session”, you can clearly see that big asses are built for thongs. Thongs are the perfect way to showcase a juicy big booty babe’s best assets. The blue thong I wear in this clip is divine and looks amazing on me. Want to see? Get it on ManyVids today for $7.99.


Speaking of spanking, big, round, luscious butts are perfect for spanking. The “thwack” you get with impact play is just so satisfying. And the beautiful ripple you get across a gorgeous fat ass is perfection. There are few things that make me hotter than having someone spank me or just spank myself. “Spank You Very Much” is a good example of an early clip of mine which features spanking with multiple objects. Amazing stuff. See some retro Rem Sequence by purchasing it on ManyVids for $4.99.

it claps!

Finally, I love the way that a big ass has the unique ability to make sound all on it’s own. Bouncing it, twerking it can make the fabled ass clap start up and once it happens, it is very difficult to make it stop! Not only is the sound so satisfying, but you know the thing with physics right? Once you get something BIG moving, it takes a great deal of force to get it to stop. In “PAWG Ass Clapping”, you get to see the amazing natural wonder that is my clapping ass. You will hear it start and refuse to stop. Sometimes, it claps so much that my butt cheeks hurt. Watch me inflict some serious pain on my beautiful booty by picking up this clip today on ManyVids for $2.99.

What is your favourite thing about big butts? The way they jiggle? The way you can grab them and squeeze them? How about the way they look in thongs? Perhaps you like spanking them or hearing them clap? I love to hear from my fans so please send me an email with all your big booty desires:

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The Five Must-Have Boundaries for Content Creators – Part 1

Boundaries are important, in every part of your life. When I talk about boundaries, I am referring to rules you make around your interactions with other people. In the content creation industry, I believe they are mandatory and have definitely given me more clarity on where I draw the line on a number of things. In a previous post, I said I could probably do a whole blog post on my experience with boundaries. The response from the readers was “yes please!” So here are my five must-have boundaries for content creators.

With your TIME

Time is precious; it is something that once it is gone, you can never get it back. This is my number boundary area for this very reason. I have an extremely low tolerance for time wasters and for people who do not respect the boundaries I place around my time. I think it is important to look at your time in a number of ways, and make some decisions about what you will and won’t accept. For example:

  • When will you work?
  • When won’t you work?
  • When are you available for your customers (how much time)?
  • When are you not available?
  • How much interaction are you willing to give to potential customers (how much time)?

With my time, I have designated times when I am making content, online chatting with customers and fans, working on admin and answering messages. I am very busy in other areas of my life so I simply do not have time to waste. And if I want to get things done, then these boundaries must be rock solid. If people genuinely want your time, they will respect how precious it is and treat you accordingly.

With who YOU are

Here is a bombshell. I am not actually Rem Sequence. Crazy, I know, but hear me out. I actually have a life which has a little crossover with my model persona, but a lot of my life has little to no relation to my work. This is also a very important one to me, because I recently had an experience where my identity felt a little detached. For several weeks I felt extremely isolated because Rem Sequence is a part of me, not my entire identity. But when everyone you interact with knows you as this persona, all the other facets of you seem to drift away. The fact you need to remember is that you are not your model persona. Establishing boundaries around this so that you can keep some distance between the role you play for your fans and who you are when you are off the clock. Although this is important for safety (and why we adopt stage names for ourselves, protecting our real life identities from those who may want to exploit us), I think this is really important for our mental health. We are sharing extremely intimate parts of our lives, and exposing vulnerabilities at the same time. This can feel very unsafe unless we have ways to manage it.

With your CASH

Trust me. You know your business better than anyone and you know what works best for you when it comes to the almighty dollar. From how much you charge for content, to how much it costs per minute for you to provide a service, to the payment methods and timeliness of your clients paying, you are the expert. It doesn’t matter if Joe Bloggs got a 15 minute custom from someone else at a third of your rate (or twice your rate). It is completely irrelevant if Jane Smalls uses a tip or tribute function or if they think you shouldn’t use some other payment platform because the one you prefer isn’t safe. And one I think we have all heard a million times before: “I can’t pay through your method: do you accept any others?” If people really want to buy your content or services, experience tells me they will do backflips to do so and will not expect you to put the same effort into the negotiation.

With your PERSONA

As we develop in the adult content creation business, we finetune our persona and what we create based upon what we enjoy doing, what we are good at and what is successful for our unique situation. Some of us just make clips, some are stars of the photoset and merch whilst others smash it with live shows. For me, I know I have grown and stretched into other areas that I found I enjoyed. However, there will always be someone saying “why don’t you do xyz?” Or “I would love to see you do abc!” Feedback from our clients and fans is gold, but micromanagement from outside is a complete buzzkill. If there are services you are not comfortable providing, or types of content you don’t enjoy making, you are under no obligation to do so. Sometimes we may feel we have to respond to every request with enthusiasm and a can-do attitude, especially when starting out. But honestly, you do not have to. That is the beautiful thing about this industry; we have such a diverse and multiskilled community that there will be someone who would love to do what you don’t want to do. And the coolest thing about that? It leaves you open to do the things YOU enjoy and that make your work meaningful.

With your ENERGY

And now we come to my personal fatal flaw, and one that I am now making a conscious effort to work on. I have unrealistic expectations of exactly how much I can get out of myself and recently it backfired in a most spectacular way, resulting in a lengthy hospital stay. For those with ambitious, A-type personalities, this is going to be a struggle. I believe you need to be treating your content creation as if it is a vanilla job. You clock on and you clock off. You have break times and you have scheduled days off. If you are unwell, you be kind to yourself and you do not work. Working out how much you can do in the time you have is paramount. Some people are able to put more energy in, and some people less. I am here to tell you that that is totally ok, and that doesn’t make you better than or less than anyone else. The secret to success in this business is consistency. And if you do not develop boundaries around your energy, which, let’s be honest, is the fuel to this fire, then you are going to get a hell of a shock when you wake up one day to find the jerry can empty. Or like me, stuck in a hospital bed discussing the possibility of life saving surgery.

Don’t get me wrong; it is totally fine for your boundaries to change over time. After all, as people, we grow, develop and change our preferences and what we are comfortable with all the time. What suited me in 2017 may not suit me going into 2020. The thing is to be aware of it, to have these conversations with yourself and value you as the amazing and capable person you are. Because what is the saying? “You are worth it.” This post has really focussed on what areas I think you need to develop boundaries around. In a follow up post, I will talk about HOW I do this and offer some suggestions for how you could build them into your business.

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Where can I buy your clips?

I get lots of messages on my various platforms, including Instagram and Twitter, asking “do you sell content?” Kinda seems obvious that I do, but I totally understand that trying to navigate all of the places where you can purchase my content can be very challenging and confusing. In this blog, I will talk about my top sites where you can purchase premade clips of yours truly. In future blogs, I will talk about the other products/services I offer and how you can find those.

many vids

Many Vids is the clip site I have been on the longest (now over two years) and I have a very soft spot for it. I find the creators, staff and most importantly, the fans to be so supportive and amazing. I find the interface very user friendly, and one that I can access on any device with ease. That being said, I work really hard at building my store on there, that is why you will find over 200 clips ready for your viewing pleasure! My top clip tags are MILF, Big Ass, Big Butts, PAWG and Tattoos. My top selling clips on Many Vids are:

clips 4 sale

Clips 4 Sale is one of my newest platforms so I am slowly uploading all of my clips there. Currently, I have 78 clips available, and my top categories are Big Butt, PAWG and Big Feet (not very surprising hey?). Clips 4 Sale is one of the longest running clip sites on the internet and is constantly working to improve the experience for their creators and customers. My top selling clips on this platform are:


I joined PornHub in May 2019 and it has become one of my biggest platforms in terms of views and subscribers. To date, I have 176 videos in my library, available to my 866 subscribers. My fans have given me a whopping 16.3K views in the time I have been a verified Porn Star on the platform! Some people find issue with PornHub as it does have a checkered history. I totally understand. However, they are one of the most recognised porn sites in the world which means great traffic for creators and a diverse range of performers for fans to enjoy. PornHub are making their site more ethical than it has been in the past, meaning lots of opportunities for creators that have not been available to them previously. For fans, please like clips you enjoy and subscribe to your favourite performers… it makes a huge difference! My most viewed clips on PornHub are:

AP Clips

AP Clips has been the newest edition to my clip store stable and it is slowly being built up. At the moment I have 18 clips on there but am uploading 4 times a week so it will not be long before it is chock full like my other platforms. Right now, my top clips on that site are:

What is your preferred clipsite? Is it on this list? If not, feel free to send me an email and let me know what you use and why:

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What Is Under My Skirt?

Who doesn’t want to look up the skirt of a beautiful, big booty MILF from Australia? Well, apparently a lot of my fans do, because my upskirting clips are one of my most popular categories. I love the tease of upskirting and the taboo naughtiness of looking up someone’s skirt either with or without their permission! Here are my top 5 most popular upskirting clips which are available for your viewing pleasure…

Ladder Perv

When your PAWG next door needs to change her light bulb, it is a perfect time to seat yourself under her ladder and enjoy the view. Fortunately for you, in “Ladder Perv”, this particular light fixture was being very touchy, so you get to see me go up and down the ladder multiple times trying to get the damn thing to work! Enjoy the view for only $3.99 on ManyVids.

Pussy and Black Lace

This is one of my very first clips, when the category of upskirting has not even entered my vocabulary yet. “Pussy and Black Lace” is an apt title for a clip where I am wearing nothing but a black lace garter and stockings, with the whole thing shot from a classic upskirting angle, including ass spreading. If you want to complete your Rem Sequence upskirting clip collection, then you must get this clip. Head over to ManyVids and get very naughty with me for only $9.99.

Tartan Upskirt Slut

I have converted many a viewer into an instant tartan lover with this super hot clip! Under my very fetching tartan skirt in “Tartan Upskirt Slut”, I am wearings a very cute pink thong so you get to see all I am packing in my delicious big booty… cheeks and all. This clip sold like hotcakes when it was first released, which is also a good nickname for my ample rump. You can get your copy today on ManyVids for only $9.99.

Tease Denial Flirt Flash

This is one of my earlier upskirting clips and has a bit of a different storyline. In “Tease Denial Flirt Flash”, I progressively become more and more naked as you watch. It is most definitely an upskirting clip, as the angle is perfectly situated to look right up at my perfect, juicy booty and beautiful porn pussy, but it is also a striptease clip with a twist. Want to see what I mean? Then pick it up from ManyVids today for $11.99 and be drawn to the edge of your seat.

Upskirt Downlow

How can anyone say no to a leather skirt wearing big booty MILF who insists on wearing no underwear? Once you see “Upskirt Downlow” you will see exactly what I mean. This impossibly short skirt leaves nothing to the imagination anyway, but once you sit a camera angle super low and remove all underwear, it is a feast for the eyes of the upskirt fetishist. Come over and grab your copy for $9.99 and let me see you nod in agreement.

What kind of upskirting scenes get your engine running? I am always interested in hearing your thoughts and wildest fantasies… email me at

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I Love Spanking My Fat Ass… here’s why…

As you all would know if you had read my favourite fetishes blog post, spanking is something I enjoy very much. The tease, the shift between different sensations, the anticipation of being spanked are all part of this. I love being spanked by others, but I also really like spanking myself. It is one of my top clip categories, so I guess my fans like it too. Here are my top 5 spanking clips for your enjoyment, giving you a comprehensive view of why I love spanking.

Ego Destroyer Inc – The Slap

I am an extremely dominant personality and it comes so naturally to me that I always struggle to leave it out of whatever I make. In “Ego Destroyer Inc – The Slap”, you think you are coming to have me spank you red raw. But you would be mistaken. What is actually going to happen is a masterclass in the art of spanking, delivered by Lady Spankalot, that’s me. I direct you how to spank yourself and you follow… simple. Get educated by picking it up on ManyVids today for $9.99.

Spank Session

I have a beautiful big juicy ass, and what better activity to do with it than spank it? In “Spank Session” I do just that. Wearing a blue thong and impossibly short crop top which struggles to cover my boobs, not only do I squeeze and caress my lovely booty, but it receives multiple spanks from my hands as well. Enough spanks to get it nice and red. See for yourself on ManyVids for only $7.99.

Spank U Very Much

In “Spank U Very Much”, you get to see me get creative with 3 different implements being used on my fat ass. I don’t mind using any kind of object during impact play and in this clip you will see what I decide to employ in this early spank session. Have I got you curious yet? Then you should totally check out this clip on ManyVids for only $4.99.

Strip Spank Suck

When you make a clip as a special request for someone… then decide to release it to the masses! In “Strip Spank Suck” , a very cute little clip, watch me strip down to absolutely nothing before giving my big butt a good hard spanking with my hands. The finale? Sucking each of my fingers in turn because spanking myself is just that good. On the day of release, this clip went absolutely nuts. See why by picking it up on ManyVids for $4.99.

Whips and Stallion Tail

And finally, another clip where I showcase my dominant side. Yes, I may be dressed in a leather corset with no underwear, but I am going to beat my ass with a riding crop and other items with absolute pleasure. I do not believe that spanking is necessarily a submissive act; like solo masturbation clips, it is the attitude you bring with it, not necessarily the act you are performing. In “Whips and Stallion Tail” you get to see exactly what I mean by this. It is also an epic clip, and its price reflects its length and the amazing job I do in it. Do yourself a favour and get your copy on ManyVids for only $19.99.

Do you have a spanking fantasy you would love to see me play out? I always love hearing my fans ideas for new clips, so feel free to drop me a line and give me your thoughts:

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